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In addition to your own hosted content, we are excited to announce that you can now leverage Vanity Redirects!

There are times when you need a URL to just be memorable. Like if you are sponsoring a Podcast, a short URL is going to work a lot better than a longer one. Or if you are sharing assets that you stored on Dropbox, it can look nicer to have a branded URL that redirects to the final location (like your own personal Bitly).

At Revenue HQ, our design assets are hosted on Dropbox (and largely publicly available). But internally, we use redirects to share the most up-to-date version of those assets (no more sending “design-final-final.psd”).

Redirects have built-in support for referral tracking. So if you do sponsor a Podcast, you can make sure that all traffic that passes through a redirect is tracked correctly. This cookie tracking works even if end up sending the user to a external service: when they come back to your landing page and sign up for your service, their visitor and referral tracking cookies will still be present.

Like everything else we do, you can manage redirects via the API. But you can also manage them through the web interface.